Ultimate JavaScript: Mastering the Modern Web's Core Language
This comprehensive course takes learners from the basics of JavaScript to advanced topics, empowering both beginners and intermediate developers. Through a series of structured chapters, students will explore essential concepts such as syntax, data types, functions, and object-oriented programming. Practical projects, including a calculator, task manager, weather dashboard, and personal blog, provide hands-on experience and reinforce learning. Additionally, an introduction to TypeScript equips students with modern programming skills. Join us to build a solid foundation in JavaScript and unlock your potential as a proficient web developer.
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Course Chapters
Basics of JavaScript - its history, significance in web development, etc. How to set up your development environment, including use of NodeJS runtime.
2Basic Syntax
Elementary JavaScript rules - case-sensitivity, spaces, line breaks, comments, literals, identifiers, expressions, etc.
3Data Types
Meaning and differences between primitive and object data types, operations with primitive data types and introduction to object data types.
Understanding operators in JavaScript, such as arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical operators, etc.
5Control Flow
Understanding conditional statements (such as if, else if, else, and switch statements) and loops.
6Project (1)
A command-line application that performs basic arithmetic operations.
Defining, invoking, and using functions, including different syntax styles and concepts like recursion and higher-order functions.
JavaScript objects - their properties, methods, and key concepts such as object destructuring and JSON handling.
Understanding JavaScript arrays.
Understanding JavaScript classes.
JavaScript modules, syntax for imports and exports, encapsulation of code, modular organization, and code reusability across files and projects.
12Project (2)
A command-line application that allows users to track their expenses. Users can add, view, update, and delete expense records, making it a practical project that emphasizes data management.
13Standard Library
Built-in objects, methods, and functions provided by JavaScript, including data structures like sets and maps, string and array utilities, date handling, regular expressions, JSON parsing, and error handling mechanisms.
14Iterators and Generators
Mechanisms for sequential data access, iterator protocol, custom iterable objects, generator functions, yield keyword, lazy evaluation, and advanced iteration control in JavaScript.
Representation of asynchronous operations, promise states (pending, fulfilled, rejected), chaining with then and catch, error handling, and combining multiple promises with Promise.all and Promise.race.
16Client-Side JavaScript
Interaction with web browsers, DOM manipulation, handling events, updating HTML and CSS dynamically, browser APIs, local storage, and communication with servers using AJAX and Fetch.
17Introduction to TypeScript
Overview of TypeScript's features, benefits, and differences from JavaScript, installation and setup, basic type annotations, interfaces, and how to compile TypeScript code to JavaScript.
18Project (3)
A web application that displays current weather conditions for select cities.
19Server-Side JavaScript
JavaScript execution outside the browser, Node.js runtime, file system operations, HTTP server creation, handling requests and responses, modules, and asynchronous programming with server-side APIs.
20Tools and Best Practices
Development tools for JavaScript, code formatting with Prettier, linting with ESLint, unit testing frameworks, version control with Git, build tools, and best practices for writing clean, maintainable code.
21Project (4)
A full-stack blog application allowing users to create and manage blog posts.