Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies - Engineering Mechanics (Statics)

Analysis of equilibrium of rigid bodies in two and three dimensions, and an introduction to statically-indeterminate reactions.


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Course Chapters


Welcome to the course and review of fundamental concepts - internal and external forces, equilibrium conditions for rigid bodies, use of free-body diagrams, etc.

2D Reactions

Determining force and moment reactions at contacts, connections and supports for a rigid body under the action of co-planar forces - in order to produce its free-body diagram.

2D Equilibrium Equations (1)

General analysis of equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions.

2D Equilibrium Equations (2)

Analysis of special cases of equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions - equilibrium under the action of only two or three forces.

2D Constraints and Statical Determinacy

Different conditions of constraints on rigid bodies in two dimensions and their statical determinacy.

3D Reactions

Determining force and moment reactions at contacts, connections and supports for a rigid body under the action of three-dimensional forces - in order to produce its free-body diagram.

3D Equilibrium Equations

Analysis of equilibrium of rigid bodies in three dimensions.

3D Constraints and Statical Determinacy

Different conditions of constraints on rigid bodies in three dimensions and their statical determinacy.