Centroids and Centres of Gravity - Engineering Mechanics (Statics)
Analysis of centroids and moments of inertia.
$ 10.00
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Course Chapters
Welcome to the course and definition of terms - centroid, centre of gravity, etc., and their uses.
2Centroids of Areas
Analysis of the centre of gravity (centroid of area) of flat homogenous plates with uniform thickness using those of component areas.
3Centroids of Lines
Analysis of the centre of gravity (centroid of area) of homogenous wires with uniform cross section using those of component lines.
4Centroids by Integrations
Analysis of centroids of areas and lines by direct integration.
5Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus
Analysis of centroids of uniform plates and wires using the theorems of Pappus-Guldinus.
6Some Applications
Analysis of distributed loads on beams and forces on submerged surfaces using the techniques of centroids of areas and lines.
7Centroids of Volumes (1)
Analysis of the centroids of volumes using those of component volumes.
8Centroids of Volumes (2)
Analysis of the centroids of volumes by direct integration.