Moments of Inertia - Engineering Mechanics (Statics)

Analysis of the second moments of areas and its applications.


$ 10.00

One-time payment

Enrolment valid for 12 months

Course Chapters


Welcome to the course and overview of fundamental concepts; meaning and use of moments of inertia.

Moments of Inertia of Areas (1)

Analysis of rectangular and polar moments of inertia and radius of gyration of areas by direct integration.

Moments of Inertia of Areas (2)

Analysis of rectangular and polar moments of inertia and radius of gyration of composite areas using those of their component areas.

Products of Inertia of Areas

Analysis of products of inertia, principal axes and principal moments of inertia of areas, by direct integration and also using those of component areas.

Mohr's Circle for Moments of Inertia of Areas

Analysis of moments and products of inertia of areas using Mohr's circle.

Mass Moments of Inertia (1)

Determining mass moments of inertia and radius of gyration of three-dimensional bodies by direct integration.

Mass Moments of Inertia (2)

Determining mass moments of inertia and radius of gyration of composite three-dimensional bodies using those of component shapes.

Mass Products of Inertia

Analysis of mass products of inertia, principal axes and principal moments of inertia using those of component parts.