Partial Differentiation and Its Applications - Advanced Calculus

This course introduces multi-variable real-valued functions and thoroughly addresses their limits, continuity, partial and total derivatives, applications and related concepts. You will learn how to: - Define and classify real-valued functions of several variables and their properties, such as domain, range, graphs, level curves and surfaces - Find the limit of a function of several variables as the independent variables approach certain values, and use the formal and informal definitions of limits - Find the continuity of a function of several variables at a point or on a set, and use the graphical, formal, and informal definitions of continuity - Find the partial derivative of a function of several variables with respect to one of the independent variables, and use the formal definition and various rules of partial differentiation - Find the higher-order partial derivatives of a function of several variables by applying the partial differentiation rules repeatedly, and use the notation and terminology for higher partial derivatives - Find the partial derivative of a function of several variables that is composed of other functions, and use the chain rule to differentiate composite functions - Find the partial derivative of a function of several variables that is homogeneous, and use the Euler's theorem to simplify the calculation - Find the total differential and derivative of a function of several variables, and use them to approximate the change in the function value - Find the partial derivative of a function of several variables that is defined implicitly by an equation - Find the Jacobian determinant of a function of several variables, and use it to obtain derivatives of implicit functions - Find the Taylor series expansion of a function of several variables, and use it to approximate the function value and its derivatives - Find the equation of the tangent plane and the normal line to a surface defined by a function of two variables, and use them to analyze the local behaviour of the surface - Find the extreme values of a function of several variables, and use the partial derivatives and the second derivative test to determine the nature of the extrema - Find the extreme values of a function of several variables subject to some constraint, and use the partial derivatives and the method of Lagrange multipliers to solve the constrained optimization problem This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn or review the advanced topics of calculus and its applications. It is especially useful for students and professionals in analysis, differential equations, optimization, physics, engineering, and other related fields. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of derivatives of functions of several variables. You will also be able to apply the knowledge and skills you gain to real-world problems and challenges that involve functions of several variables and their derivatives. Once enrolled, you have access to dynamic video lessons, interactive quizzes, and live chat support for an immersive learning experience. You engage with clear video explanations, test your understanding with instant-feedback quizzes and interact with our expert instructor and peers in the chat room. Join a supportive learning community to exchange ideas, ask questions, and collaborate with peers as you master the material, by enrolling right away.


₦ 3,500.00

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Course Chapters


Meaning of real-valued functions of several variables - domain, range, graphs, level curves, surfaces and computer-aided visualizations.


Formal and informal definitions, evaluation of limits of functions of several variables.


Continuity of functions of several variables.

First Partial Derivatives

Formal definition of differentiability for functions of several variables; notations and evaluation of first partial derivatives.

Higher-Order Derivatives

Evaluating higher-order partial derivatives; equality of mixed partials.

Chain Rule

Chain rule of differentiation for functions of several variables.

Homogeneous Functions

Meaning of homogeneous functions; Euler's theorem for homogeneous functions.

Total Differentials

Total differentials and derivatives of functions of several variables.

Implicit Differentiation

Differentiation of implicitly-defined functions of several variables and an introduction to the Jacobian determinant.

Jacobian Determinants

Definition, applications and properties of Jacobian Determinants.

Taylor's Series

Taylor's expansion for functions of several variables.

Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Equations of tangent planes and normal lines to surfaces defined by two-variable functions.

Extreme Values

Getting the stationary points of a function of several variables by application of partial derivatives.

Lagrange Multipliers

Getting the stationary points of a function of several variables subject to some condition by application of partial derivatives and the method of Lagrange multipliers.